- Model: Continental Airlines Boeing 747-100/200 Boeing Model Shop

Model: Continental Airlines Boeing 747-100/200 Boeing Model Shop

Continental Airlines Boeing 747-100/200  Boeing Model Shop aircraft display model photo
Date added: Jan 5, 2014   •  Rating: 2.8  •    Views: 2560   •  Views per day: 0.6

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
This model was made in 1971. The fuel dumping pods (on the wing tips) had to be reglued on. While doing this I found that the pods were made of metal and the wings are actually a thin sheet of metal coverred with resin/plastic. Very sturdy. This is probably the most accurate 747 I have ever seen. No wonder since it was made by Boeing. Wing span of 24" and length 27"

Allen Pelletier  
  (Seniority Date: Dec 24 2013)


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