- Model: JAL - Japan Airlines Boeing 747-400 JA8071 Nemoto Models

Model: JAL - Japan Airlines Boeing 747-400 JA8071 Nemoto Models

JAL - Japan Airlines Boeing 747-400 JA8071  Nemoto Models aircraft display model photo
Date added: Apr 2, 2017   •  Rating: 2.7  •    Views: 1749   •  Views per day: 0.6

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
JA8071 This is a 1/144 scale (I think) JAL 747-400 that is on display at the LAX aviation museum. I noticed that the scribe lines and window relief are very similar to the style of Nemoto models, which were famously made in Japan in the 1960s. As far as I am aware, Nemoto was not still in business making models in the 1990s, unless of course I stand to be corrected. If anyone can tell me who made this model I'd love to know. Is this maker still in business?

Henry Tenby  
  (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)


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