- Model: Turkish Airlines THY Douglas DC-9-10/20 TC-JAC Douglas Factory Model

Model: Turkish Airlines THY Douglas DC-9-10/20 TC-JAC Douglas Factory Model

Turkish Airlines THY Douglas DC-9-10/20 TC-JAC  Douglas Factory Model aircraft display model photo
Date added: May 6, 2015   •  Rating: 3.1  •    Views: 1717   •  Views per day: 0.5

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
TC-JAC I refinished this model back to better than factory new standards. The aluminum was restored to mirror grade surface, bent wing surfaces were straightened, our graphic designer custom designed the decals from scratch, and the a high gloss clear coat insures the model will present beautifully for many decades to come. The model has been redelivered back to its owner in Turkey.

Henry Tenby  
  (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)


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