- Model: Yamal Airlines Antonov An-24 RA-46695 Antonov Model Shop

Model: Yamal Airlines Antonov An-24 RA-46695 Antonov Model Shop

Yamal Airlines Antonov An-24 RA-46695  Antonov Model Shop aircraft display model photo
Date added: Oct 19, 2021   •  Rating: 2.6  •    Views: 841   •  Views per day: 0.7

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
RA-46695 FOR SALE: Massive 1/50 scale Yamal Airlines Antonov AN-24 very high quality and high detail model made in Russia. Supplied with shipping case and stand as shown. For the very serious collector of Soviet era aircraft models. Serious offers invited.

Henry Tenby  
  (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)


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