- Model: Qantas Boeing 747-100/200 unknown maker

Model: Qantas Boeing 747-100/200 unknown maker

Qantas Boeing 747-100/200  unknown maker aircraft display model photo
Date added: Oct 6, 2013   •  Rating: 3.1  •    Views: 19896   •  Views per day: 4.7

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
VH-ECA Marketing model for Combi 747 with cutaway section showing 6 main deck cargo containers. This model has the satcom aerial mini-hump aft of the main hump. Also, note this was QANTAS' only P&W-powered aircraft; VH-ECB and on were RR-powered

Adam Ragheb  
  (Seniority Date: Sep 19 2013)


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