- Model: BOAC Bristol Britannia GBOAC Finecraft Sale Models

Model: BOAC Bristol Britannia GBOAC Finecraft Sale Models

BOAC Bristol Britannia GBOAC  Finecraft Sale Models aircraft display model photo
Date added: Apr 26, 2014   •  Rating: 2.9  •    Views: 1544   •  Views per day: 0.4

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
GBOAC This is an original mid 1950s era 1/72 metal display model with lovely original stand and brass plaque. The model has been in my collection for about a decade. I am not sure if the props are original or not. The number 4 prop is missing two blades. There are various paint chips and bumps, and a major chip on the tail base right side. The paint has started to yellow. But the model is some 60 years old. The model was made by Finecraft Scale Models NSW Australia. They seemed to have been matching Westway Models production standards of the day.

Henry Tenby  
  (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)


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