- Model: Aerotour Sud Aviation Se210 Caravelle F-BYAT Verkuyl

Model: Aerotour Sud Aviation Se210 Caravelle F-BYAT Verkuyl

Aerotour Sud Aviation Se210 Caravelle F-BYAT  Verkuyl aircraft display model photo
Date added: Oct 20, 2024   •  Rating: 3.1  •    Views: 207   •  Views per day: 1.3

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
F-BYAT FOR SALE: A very large 1/50 scale metal Se210 Caravelle, this is a very accurate model made by Verkuyl in the 1960s or 70s. It was refinished to museum grade quality by Henry Tenby. These are very rare models. In 30 years of collecting this is the one and only metal Verkuyl Caravelle I have ever owned. Price $2395

Henry Tenby  
  (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)


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