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Date added: Apr 2, 2017 • Rating: 3.0 • Views: 1703 • Views per day: 0.6
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JA8071 This is a 1/144 scale (I think) JAL 747-400 that is on display at the LAX aviation museum.
I noticed that the scribe lines and window relief are very similar to the style of Nemoto models, which were famously made in Japan in the 1960s. As far as I am aware, Nemoto was not still in business making models in the 1990s, unless of course I stand to be corrected.
If anyone can tell me who made this model, if it was Nemoto .. I'd love to know. Is this maker still in business? Their work is fabulous, and given that the model is of Japanese origin, it seems logical that there might be some sort of Nemoto connection here.