G-BJXN by West Coast Aviation Models, produced from original Space Models master pattern. Detachable wings & stabs, complete with hardwood/metal stand
EI-ASJ by West Coast Aviation Models, produced from original Space Models master pattern. Detachable wings & stabs, complete with hardwood/metal stand
JA8101 by West Coast Aviation Models, produced from original Space Models master pattern. Detachable wings & stabs, complete with hardwood/metal stand
FOR SALE: Massive Space Models British Airways 747-100 in 1/72 this was a travel agency model strung to the ceiling no stand but the model is near mint $1495
Circa early 1980s era 1/100 scale on piece fibreglass model of PEOPLExpress 747 most likely made by Pacific Miniatures. Nice shape for age. One engine is missing blue P&W logo.
Extremely RARE 1/100 Boeing Factory model on landing gear near mint shape circa late 1960s World Airways Boeing 747. These models are very hard to find in this shape and...
VH-EBA 'City of Canberra '. Recasting in epoxy GRP from original Space Models master pattern by West Coast Aviation Models. Complete with hardwood/brushed aluminium stand, finished to a high quality...