- Model: Republic Airlines Boeing 727-200 Pacmin

Model: Republic Airlines Boeing 727-200 Pacmin

Republic Airlines Boeing 727-200  Pacmin aircraft display model photo
Date added: Jan 6, 2014   •  Rating: 2.9  •    Views: 2317   •  Views per day: 0.6

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
My oldest Pacmin and totally original in near mint. This 1:60th is so perfect looking at the nose shape. Republic flew it in this livery for a very short time in the mid 80's. It is one piece and has the Pacmin detail decal on the bottom, prior to the color one. The wing has taken on a patina that shines. The fuselage has yellowed a tiny bit but it gives it a charm.

Allen Pelletier  
  (Seniority Date: Dec 24 2013)


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