- Model: LOT Polish Airlines IIyushin IL-62 SP-LAB Illyushin Model Shop

Model: LOT Polish Airlines IIyushin IL-62 SP-LAB Illyushin Model Shop

LOT Polish Airlines IIyushin IL-62 SP-LAB  Illyushin Model Shop aircraft display model photo
Date added: Mar 19, 2019   •  Rating: 2.8  •    Views: 1100   •  Views per day: 0.5

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
SP-LAB This huge LOT display model was shipped from the Netherlands to Japan in 2018 and was in fair shape. In order to fix heavy dents from transport, the model needed repainting and was reborn in original beauty with some slight corrections of the cockpit windows. This is the state before restoration.

Daniel Frohriep-Ichihara  
  (Seniority Date: Mar 18 2019)


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