- Model: LOT Polish Airlines IIyushin IL-62 SP-LAB unknown maker

Model: LOT Polish Airlines IIyushin IL-62 SP-LAB unknown maker

LOT Polish Airlines IIyushin IL-62 SP-LAB  unknown maker aircraft display model photo
Date added: May 12, 2011   •  Rating: 2.9  •    Views: 2548   •  Views per day: 0.5

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
SP-LAB Made like the old Schaarschmidt models as sheet metal model (wings and fuselage). Engines made out of wood (suggestion) Very well done. Have some issues with the stabilizer but it will be kept like it is. Came out of a travel office in the "old east"

  (Seniority Date: Apr 1 2011)


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