- Model: United Airlines Boeing 247 NC13361 E. E. Uhlich

Model: United Airlines Boeing 247 NC13361 E. E. Uhlich

United Airlines Boeing 247 NC13361  E. E. Uhlich aircraft display model photo
Date added: Apr 2, 2017   •  Rating: 3.0  •    Views: 1583   •  Views per day: 0.5

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
NC13361 This model was made by E. E. Uhlich or Riverside, ILL and is of wooden construction with nice metal props and metal antena details. It also has a Nemoto style of detail and window relief which makes it quite interesting. Sadly the putty has given way at the joins and it needs work. But I fear work would entail the necessity to completely refinish the exterior surface, which I am not sure I’d want to do given the vintage of the model, as it dates from the 40s most likely. I’d venture a comment that the model is of better accuracy than most Nemoto models. Have never heard of the maker before.

Henry Tenby  
  (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)


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