- Model: Untitled Turbolet Let 410 OK-LET Turbolet Factory Model

Model: Untitled Turbolet Let 410 OK-LET Turbolet Factory Model

Untitled Turbolet Let 410 OK-LET  Turbolet Factory Model aircraft display model photo
Date added: Apr 2, 2017   •  Rating: 3.3  •    Views: 1429   •  Views per day: 0.5

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
OK-LET This is my first perspex model and the workmanship is a treasure to behold. One wonders how it was made. The interior has cockpit details and pilot seats, plus the passenger cabin has a full compliment of seats too. The wing plank surface details is also very nice. Sadly one of the props has broken off in year’s past. I am confident it was made by the Let factory and was purpose built for exhibition display. Now that I have seen the beauty and workman ship of this model, I would like to add more of these clear window perspex models to my collection. But at an acquisition rate of 1 model per 52 years, it will be a slow pace!

Henry Tenby  
  (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)


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