- Model: Canadian Pacific Airlines Douglas DC-6 CF-CZT Executive Display Models

Model: Canadian Pacific Airlines Douglas DC-6 CF-CZT Executive Display Models

Canadian Pacific Airlines Douglas DC-6 CF-CZT  Executive Display Models aircraft display model photo
Date added: May 12, 2011   •  Rating: 3.0  •    Views: 2113   •  Views per day: 0.4

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
CF-CZT This model was on display and for sale in the Executive Display Models showroom at the Skyline Hotel, Heathrow Airport in 1992. The price was around GBP 400 I seem to recall. It was a beautiful model. I just couldn't afford it. That was a lot of money back then .. even a lot of money today. Many of these models were going to rich collectors from the Middle East, who were frequent visitors to the hotel, and consequently because frequent, high volume customers.

Henry Tenby  
  (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)


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