- Model: Libyan Arab Airlines Fokker F27 Friendship Verkuyl

Model: Libyan Arab Airlines Fokker F27 Friendship Verkuyl

Libyan Arab Airlines Fokker F27 Friendship  Verkuyl aircraft display model photo
Date added: Jan 23, 2020   •  Rating: 3.0  •    Views: 1375   •  Views per day: 0.7

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Aircraft Model
Model Info
Libyan Arab F27 in 1/72 resin by Verkuyl, restored by Henry Tenby.

Henry Tenby  
  (Seniority Date: Apr 10 2007)


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Comment by: Neil Newman
A very desirable model. I’ve always liked that livery. I’ve got something of a ‘soft spot’ for the F27, as I worked as a C/A on them back in the early 80s.

Comment by: Henry Tenby
Thank you Neil, I also like their scheme a lot too. I wonder who created their scheme as it was back in the early 1970s. Their ad agency did an excellent job in creating their branding.