I have collected a number of Verkuyl metal models over the past few decades, and every single Verkuyl model in my collection has the white paint fading to yellow.
Is this problem by huge coincidence only happening on my models? Or do other collectors have the same problem with their Verkuyls as well?
I have Verkuyls made for Lufthansa, Fokker factory models made by Verkuyl, and others ... and all of them have the white fading to yellow.
Some people have suggested leaving the model in hot summer sun as this can apparently reverse the effects of the yellowing.
We're now into summer here in Vancouver and I have been leaving one of my worst faded Verkuyls to sun herself in the summer sun on our back porch for several days in a row, and the sun bathing has had zero effect on the model. (In this case it is a 1/100 house livery VFW-614) ... does anyone have any other ideas?
Of course Verkuyl models that are not painted with white crowns such as Fokker F28s in the orange house livery and my NLM F27 (blue crown) do not this problem.
I am interested to hear what other collectors have to say in this regard.